We regulate some products and devices for use in Australia.
Devices such as mobile phone jammers and boosters are banned in Australia
A mobile phone repeater is a radiocommunications device that regenerates or replicates a mobile signal
We work with Corrective Services NSW on mobile phone jammer use in prisons
Make sure you are using the right frequency
Our EME safety rules for transmitters and devices with integral antennas
Transmitters must be registered under your licence
If you use a radio that breaks our rules, we may hold you responsible
When buying radiocommunications devices, make sure you’re compliant
The ACMA has released a public consultation paper on proposed variations to customer ID authentication rules.
The ACMA has made new rules for the telecommunications industry, in the event of a major network outage.
ACMA has been reviewing three instruments to ensure the rules remain fit for purpose in a changing telecommunications environment.