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Remaking the Third Party Authorisations and Transfer of Apparatus Licences Determination

The instrument used to regulate apparatus-licensed radiocommunications devices is due to sunset. We propose to remake it with minor changes.

Closing in 48 days (28 March 2025)
In progress

Compliance priorities 2025–26

We’re developing our compliance priorities for our 2025–26 work program and want your feedback. 

Closing in 44 days (24 March 2025)
In progress

Proposal to allow the 27 MHz handphone station class licence to sunset

We are proposing to allow the Radiocommunications (27 MHz Handphone Stations) Class Licence 2015 to sunset.

Closing in 37 days (17 March 2025)
In progress

Review of 700 MHz spectrum licence technical framework

We are reviewing the technical conditions on 700 MHz band spectrum licences.

Closing in 20 days (28 February 2025)
In progress

Proposal to make VAST available in Mildura/Sunraysia TV1 licence area

We want to make Network Ten television services available in the Mildura/Sunraysia TV1 licence area through Viewer Access Satellite Television (VAST).

Closing in 13 days (21 February 2025)
In progress

Proposal to vary the Telecommunications Service Provider (Customer Identity Authentication) Determination 2022

We want to strengthen anti-fraud customer ID checking rules to help stop unauthorised access to phone services.

Closing in 6 days (14 February 2025)
In progress

Proposed changes to the Telecommunications numbering charge instruments

We want to remake 3 numbering charges instruments with minor changes including simplifying provisions and proposing charges for new number types in the draft Telecommunications Numbering Plan 2025.

Closing in 4 days (12 February 2025)
In progress
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