Download the Australian spectrum map grid
Download spatial data for the Australian spectrum map grid (including HCIS)
- ASMG 2012 AGD66 (zipped documents in Shapefile format - 3 MB)
- ASMG 2012 GDA94 (zipped documents in Shapefile format - 5.8 MB)
- ASMG 2012 Extension Level 0 AGD66 (zipped documents in Shapefile format - 128 MB)
- ASMG 2012 Extension Level 0 GDA94 (zipped documents in Shapefile format - 315 MB)
- ASMG 2012 Extension Level 00 (Central Aust) AGD66 (zipped documents in Shapefile format - 200 MB)
- ASMG 2012 Extension Level 00 (Central Aust) GDA94 (zipped documents in Shapefile format - 348 MB)
- ASMG 2012 Extension Level 00 (Eastern Aust) AGD66 (zipped documents in Shapefile format - 262 MB)
- ASMG 2012 Extension Level 00 (Eastern Aust) GDA94 (zipped documents in Shapefile format - 455 MB)
- ASMG 2012 Extension Level 00 (Western Aust) AGD66 (zipped documents in Shapefile format - 220 MB)
- ASMG 2012 Extension Level 00 (Western Aust) GDA94 (zipped documents in Shapefile format - 385 MB)
- ASMG 2012 Extended Levels GDA94 (GPKG) (zipped documents in Geopackage format - 1.91 GB)
You can see HCIS area descriptions by using the HCIS to Placemark converter. You will need an application that can display placemarks (KML files).