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Market study: private wireless networks using 4G or 5G

This report examines the market for private wireless networks, with a focus on Australia. These private wireless networks are deployed by companies and organisations for their private spectrum use and are either 4G long-term evolution or 5G networks.

Key developments

This market study identifies developments in private wireless networks in Australia. This includes:

  • The mining and resources sector having over 50 private wireless networks already in operation, with more in planning stages.  
  • The rail sector deploying private wireless networks. State rail companies already own spectrum licences and are deployed or in advanced planning stages. 
  • The agriculture sector investigating using private wireless networks. 
  • The entertainment, advanced manufacturing and infrastructure sectors having an interest in using the private networks. 

Key factors in deploying private wireless networks are: 

  • having a sound business case for digitising operations 
  • assessing the cost and complexity of deploying a network at particular locations 
  • securing spectrum at desired frequencies in particular locations 
  • having access to a range of industrial-grade wireless equipment at suitable frequencies. 

The report also examines the likely impact on spectrum demand and implications for the ACMA.

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