How to register
Registering is quick and easy. All you need is a mobile phone number, email address and either an Australian driver’s licence or a Medicare card.
The service is free, and your personal details will be protected.
Wagering providers covered by BetStop – the National Self-Exclusion Register
If you self-exclude, you will be excluded from all of the approximately 150 licensed wagering providers in Australia. These wagering providers will be required to close all your betting accounts and must not:
- let you place a bet
- let you open a new account
- send you marketing messages.
You cannot select which providers to exclude from.
Self-exclusion periods
You can self-exclude for a minimum of 3 months and up to a lifetime.
You can extend the duration of your self-exclusion at any time.
You cannot reduce your self-exclusion period.
Removing yourself from BetStop – the National Self-Exclusion Register
You can apply to be removed from the register. However, you cannot apply to be removed in the first 3 months of your self-exclusion period.
Your application to be removed from the register must include a statutory declaration, which confirms that you have received counselling or advice on your decision to end your self‑exclusion from a qualified counsellor, psychologist or doctor. Any support people will be notified when this application is made.
If the valid application for removal is not withdrawn, you will be removed from the register 7 days after the application is received. Any support people will also be notified of the removal application.
Your data and personal information
Your personal information will be safe and secure. The Australian Government requires the register operator to implement strong data security and privacy protections. Additionally, the system has been subject to extensive independent assessment prior to launch.
Sharing of personal information
There are strict rules against the unauthorised disclosure of personal information. Personal information will only be shared if you have provided consent or where the ACMA or the register operator is permitted to do so to perform its role in relation to the register.
For example, if someone is a customer of a wagering provider, the provider may check the register to determine if that person is self-excluded. If they are self-excluded, the register operator will advise the wagering provider accordingly. The register operator will not share other information about self-excluded individuals with wagering providers.
Relationship with other self-exclusion programs
If you are registered with another self-exclusion program (such as with a single provider or a register run by a state or territory), you will need to register with BetStop – the National Self-Exclusion Register separately.
The National Self-Exclusion Register operates as a separate program and does not replace, and cannot integrate with, existing programs.
Similarly, BetStop – the National Self-Exclusion Register does not replace existing obligations on wagering providers, including providing customers with the option to self-exclude.
Complain about a wagering provider
If you believe that a wagering provider has breached self-exclusion laws, you can make a complaint.
If you are a licensed interactive wagering provider, find out more about your obligations.
Other help
If you or someone you know needs help, call the national gambling helpline on 1800 858 858, or visit Gambling Help Online.
Information for support services
We’ve created a downloadable handout for support services and other interested people about BetStop – the National Self-Exclusion Register™.
It outlines how the Register works, the timeframes users can choose, and how to sign up.
Who's using the register
We publish information about who is using BetStop – the National Self-Exclusion Register. You can find this below.
BetStop – the National Self-Exclusion Register: Year in review
You can find a report sharing statistics from the first 12 months of BetStop – the National Self-Exclusion Register below.