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Exploring future use of the 1.9 GHz band - consultation 40/2021

The consultation looked at replanning of the 1880–1920 MHz band and examined coexistence issues with introducing new services into the band.

We have now released an outcomes paper for this consultation.

Submissions now public
Consultation number
IFC 40/2021
Days remaining 0 of 26 days
  • 1

    Discussion paper consultation opened

    17 Nov 2021
  • 2

    Discussion paper consultation closed

    11 Feb 2022
  • 3

    Discussion paper submissions published

    07 Oct 2022
  • 4

    Options paper consultation opened

    30 Nov 2022
  • 5

    Options paper consultation closed

    17 Mar 2023
  • 6

    Reply to comment period opened

    27 Mar 2023
  • 7

    Reply to comment period closed

    21 Apr 2023
  • 8

    Reply to comment submissions published

    04 May 2023
  • 9

    Outcome of consultation

    16 Nov 2023

Key documents

Outcomes for this consultation

Outcomes of the review of the band are outlined in the outcomes paper, Replanning of the 1880–1920 MHz band (see ‘Key documents’ box). Key outcomes of the planning process include:

  • maintaining short range wireless broadband (SR WBB) use under Australia-wide class-licensing arrangements across 1880–1920 MHz
  • introducing Australia-wide apparatus–licensing arrangements for indoor only SR WBB applications in 1900–1920 MHz
  • maintaining local area wireless broadband and point-to-point access arrangements across 1900–1920 MHz in regional and remote areas
  • preserving options for rail mobile radio (RMR) services in 1900–1910 MHz for new uses and applications.

Next steps

We will begin work on the implementation steps, which may include consultation on:

Reply to comment period: feedback on submissions to options paper

We asked for your views on the submissions received to the options paper. These submissions are above, as well as the options paper for reference.

Please note: we did not accept new submissions to the options paper itself. We wanted your feedback on the views expressed in submissions.

This 'reply to comment' period began 27 March and closed on 21 April 2023. We received 5 submissions.  

We allowed the 1900–1920 MHz Frequency Band Plan to sunset on 1 April 2023. We plan to release the outcomes paper for the 1.9 GHz band in the fourth quarter of 2023. 

If you have any enquiries, please contact

Previous consultation paper and submissions

In November 2021, we released the below discussion paper on exploring future use of the 1.9 GHz band. It identified domestic and international considerations for the 1880–1920 MHz band and explored views on possible changes in planning arrangements.

The discussion paper consultation closed on 11 February 2022, and we received responses from 22 stakeholders and interested parties.

From the submissions to the discussion paper (also found below), we decided to progress the review of the band to the preliminary replanning stage.

In November 2022, we released the options paper. The options paper consultation closed on 17 March 2023. We received responses from 11 stakeholders and interested parties. The options paper and submissions to it can be found in the key documents box above. 

Discussion paper

The discussion paper consultation was originally due to close on 21 January 2022. To allow contributors more time over the holiday season, we extended the closing date until COB, Friday 11 February 2022.

Please note: On 21 January 2022, a correction was made to page 28 of the discussion paper. Please ensure you are using the updated version available on this webpage.

Submissions to discussion paper

Please note: on 25 October 2022, ARA updated its submission due to errors in the original. 

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