Rules have changed: Telcos must identify and manage mobile phones unable to access 000 after the 3G network shuts. Read our factsheet and FAQs about the obligations.
The ACMA has made new rules for telcos which come into effect on 28 October 2024. This timing coincides with the shutdown of the Telstra and Optus 3G networks in Australia.
The new rules require telcos to:
- Identify mobile phones unable to access Triple Zero, including through emergency ‘camp-on’ arrangements
- Notify customers with mobile phones unable to access the emergency call service
- Not supply carriage services to mobile phones identified as being unable to access the emergency call service
- Give information and assistance to customers to access alternative low cost or no-cost mobile phones, and
- Update payment assistance policies to set out arrangements by which financial hardship customers can receive assistance to obtain a low cost or no-cost mobile phone.
These rules were made through the Telecommunications (Emergency Call Service) Amendment Determination 2024. It inserts a new Part 4 into the Telecommunications (Emergency Call Service) Determination 2019.
The Explanatory Statement for the Amendment Determination can be found here.