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Cost recovery implementation statement (CRIS)

Charging framework

The Australian Government Charging Framework helps government agencies to plan, implement and review their charging activities.

The underlying principle is that, where an identifiable individual or group creates extra or specific demand for a specific regulatory activity, they should be charged for the activity. Key considerations for government regulation include whether:

  • there is an identifiable individual or group
  • it is efficient and effective to charge
  • the activity is consistent with Australian Government policy objectives

The Charging Framework has specific requirements for regulatory charging activities. An agency must have policy authority for cost recovery, a statutory basis for charging, expenses and revenue that align, and up-to-date, publicly available documentation and reporting through a CRIS.



The government has given policy authority for cost recovery for a number of our activities. We have prepared CRISs for the following activities.


Annual Carrier Licence Charge

Summarises the cost recovery arrangements for the ACMA and other participating organisations for the Annual Carrier Licence Charge.

Approved 17 November 2023.


Fees for radiocommunications, telecommunications and broadcasting services

Approved 3 July 2024.


Fees for Do Not Call Register operations

Summarises the cost recovery arrangements and subscription fees used by the ACMA for the Do Not Call Register from 1 October 2021.


National Self-exclusion Register (BetStop) Cost Recovery Levy

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