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Proposed licensing arrangements for 2 GHz narrowband mobile-satellite services and 28 GHz fixed-satellite services - consultation 46/2021

We are consulting on licensing arrangements for satellite services to implement planning outcomes of reviews of the 2 GHz and 28 GHz bands

Submissions now public
Consultation number
IFC 46/2021
Days remaining 0 of 71 days
  • 1

    Consultation opened

    20 Dec 2021
  • 2

    Consultation closed

    28 Feb 2022
  • 3

    Submissions published

    11 May 2022
  • 4

    Outcome published

    05 Jul 2022

Key documents


In response to a stakeholder request, we have extended the consultation closing date from 14 February 2022 to 28 February 2022. 


After considering the submissions received for this the consultation, we have made the Radiocommunications (Communication with Space Object) Class Licence Variation 2022 (No.1).

While there were no substantive changes to the class licence variation, as a result of issues raised in submissions regarding the protection of adjacent band TOB services and subsequent ACMA technical analysis, we have decided to place additional limitations on the operation of earth station transmitters in the 2005–2010 MHz band. These will include not allowing space receive licences in the upper 1 MHz (2009–2010 MHz), along with restrictions on earth station transmit locations and duty cycles.

As a next step, we will update our licence assessment procedures for space and space receive licences to give effect to new arrangements for 2 GHz narrowband MSS and 28 GHz. For 2 GHz, consequential updates will also be made to ACMA planning instruments Embargo 23 and  RALI FX21).

Submissions are available at the bottom of this page. A summary of the submissions, and our responses to them, is available below.

The issue

We are consulting on proposed arrangements to authorise the use of uncoordinated earth station receivers under class licensing arrangements in 2 frequency bands:

  • part of the 2 GHz band in the frequency range 2005–2010 MHz paired with the frequency range 2195–2200 MHz, a bandwidth of 2 x 5 MHz
  • the 28 GHz band in the frequency range 27.5 to 28.3 GHz.

To implement these arrangements, we propose to vary the Radiocommunications (Communication with Space Object) Class Licence 2015 as detailed in the draft Radiocommunications (Communication With Space Object) Class Licence Variation 2022 (No.1) and the accompanying consultation paper.

Have your say

We invite comments on the issues set out in the consultation paper.

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